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Raising brand awareness and attracting the right audience is one of the most important steps to business success. So, if you have managed to increase traffic to your site and grow your audience, focus on the next important step; turning prospects into customers.

Converting potential clients into buyers is key to business success and growth because at the end of the day it’s all about sales.

If you are looking for ways to convert prospects into buyers read on because this article will help you achieve just that.


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Attracting your target audience and turning them into loyal fans isn’t enough if you want to ensure business growth. You have to look for effective ways to turn them into buyers and recurring customers.

One mistake that businesses make is focusing more on growing their audience and less on turning them into customers. Don’t be one of them.

Once you grow your audience, nurture leads or prospects to ensure a sale, build loyalty, and retain consumers. Cultivate trust and form meaningful relations that will help you enhance sales and reach your goals.

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Come up with a lead nurturing strategy to develop trust, influence purchasing decisions, build brand loyalty, and grow your client base.

Understand buyer personas and use targeted content to send them an offer they can’t refuse and meet their needs. Conduct market research and figure out what prospects want. Identify their pain points and share content that addresses those challenges and converts.

Run a short survey with SurveyMonkey to identify common problems and offer solutions. Ask them what sort of challenges they are facing and provide answers. You can also ask your audience to leave comments and questions on your YouTube channel, social media platforms, or blog. Use the information you gather to provide content that boosts engagement and encourages prospects to engage in business with you.

When prospects trust your advice and value the information you provide, they will easily do business with you.

Focus on your email marketing campaigns. Use behavior-based email marketing to boost engagement from your current leads and generate sales. Identify and target unique buying personas to figure out where they are in the purchasing journey and curate content that’s tailored for them.

For example, you can email offers based on previous inquiries, a recent purchase, objectives, interests, or goals.

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Personalize your emails to show the user you are interested in forming relations and offering the assistance they need. For example, when someone provides their details via a contact form on your site or downloads certain material from your website, send triggered emails to welcome them, express your gratitude, and most importantly, promote a relevant offer.

Use your social media platforms to build meaningful relations and show that you care about helping your audience meet their goals. Be active on all platforms, respond to questions on time, and share valuable information to attract the attention you need. Once you build relations and show prospects you are knowledgeable in your field and value their presence, you will easily convert them into buyers.

When someone sends in an inquiry, send timely follow-up emails or call to inspire action and ensure a sale.

Nurture leads to run successful marketing campaigns, provide content that addresses customer needs, and convert prospects into buyers.


Run promotions and use interesting offers to turn potential customers into long-term clients. Include discounts and freebies in your pricing strategy. Post about it across different platforms and send promotional emails to subscribers. Use calls to action to create a sense of urgency, accelerate buying decisions, and guide them to your site or store.

Create an attractive offer and set time limits to pique interest and convert. Have a countdown timer and mention that the offer is available for a limited time only.

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Research your competition and identify one thing that prospects need but aren’t getting for free from the competition and offer it for free for a certain period. For example, if you own a web design agency, offer free hosting for the entire year and keep the offer available for 14 or 30 days only.

Use freebies for more conversions. Identify one thing you can offer prospects for free without harming your overall sales goals and make it available to paying customers only. Incorporate it into your pricing strategy to ensure it converts. For example, include giveaways on one of your sales packages to encourage prospects to buy. If you sell office furniture, for instance, offer free shipping when a client buys 3 or more pieces of furniture and add a 30 percent discount on the next purchase to keep them coming back.

Incorporate effective sales promotions like a buy-one-get-one-free promo, referral rewards, loyalty incentives, vouchers, coupons, and free product samples.

Upsell or cross-sell to increase sales and get clients to buy more of your products or services. Recommend one or two products similar to what the customer has purchased immediately after a sale. If the client shows interest, promote the product and highlight all the unique and interesting features.


Fear of loss is one of the main things that make it difficult for people to make fast buying decisions. Prospects worry about your product not being right for them and fear they may pour money down the drain if the product doesn’t function as expected. So, help them overcome such fears with a money-back guarantee.

Express confidence in your product or service by offering a money-back guarantee. Show potential customers you have confidence in your product, it’s the right fit for them, and it does what you say it does.

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If you are worried about being cheated, set time limits. Say “We offer a 100 percent money-back guarantee and it’s only valid for 7 days” or “If you are not happy with our service or product, we will send you a refund 7 days after purchase.” Mention that you will not send refunds after the specified timeframe to avoid rip-offs because you may run into people who will ask for refunds even after benefitting from your product.

Create valuable offers that prospects will benefit from to get the most from your money-back guarantees.

Make sure your offer solves a problem or helps potential customers reach certain goals to increase your chances of success and ensure no one asks for a refund.


Many businesses fail to generate leads and convert users into buyers because they don’t know how to run an effective ad campaign. If you simply design your ads and promote your product without considering user behavior or interest, you are sure to fail.

So, invest in the right ads and target the right people to ensure success. Use custom ads to reach a specific audience and get more conversions. Know what to market to potential clients and advertise what the user wants to increase your chances of making a sale. Study user behavior, identify interests and advertise your offer based on the information you get.

For example, when someone visits your site and adds a certain product to their cart, show ads similar to what they intend to purchase. Make it easy for them to discover similar or complementary products.

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If the user abandons the cart without purchasing anything, send follow-up emails or show retargeted ads to influence buying decisions and inspire action.

Run different ad types on your site to appeal to different customer needs. Remember that there are two kinds of people who visit your website; those who know what you do and ones who don’t. So, make sure your ads are designed for both groups. For example, if you own an online marketing agency, create ads that attract new users to your product and helps them understand your product as well as ones that appeal to loyal followers and helps them solve existing problems.

Experiment with different ad types such as social media ads, Google ads, and pay-per-click ads to ensure success. Incorporate text ads, video ads, story ads, and image ads into your strategy for better conversions.

Implement the best practices to achieve the desired results. For example, know where to place your ads, target a specific audience, show relevant ads to the right audience, add clear calls to action, create strong visuals, and define your value proposition on your ad.


Improve your website design and make it easy for prospects to navigate through your content and understand your brand. Make sure users interact with your pages, stay on your site longer, and have the ultimate user experience.

Remove all unnecessary features and distractions. Use website heatmaps to show what users are interested in and what they are clicking on. Remove everything else that doesn’t attract attention.

The best thing about heat maps is that they help you understand your site visitors, provide accurate web performance information, and enable you to create a user-friendly design that converts and keeps website visitors returning to your site.

The best heat mapping software to consider is Crazyegg or Hotjar.

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Create simple, compelling, and short forms to avoid tiring users with unnecessary form fields and make it easy for them to provide the required information.

Design an attractive landing page and add a call to action to guide visitors to relevant information. Include interesting offers such as price slashes, giveaways, and vouchers to retain attention and get your visitors to go through the rest of your content.

Add a pop-up to command attention and encourage users to take action. You can include it on your landing page just after mentioning an exciting offer or right at the bottom of your landing page content.

Add live chat to connect with users and send timely responses to inquiries. Include reviews, testimonials, links to your social media pages, and companies you’ve worked with for social proof.

Keep the design simple and easy to navigate.

Focus on your pricing page and design an attractive sales copy. Have different packages and highlight the most popular one or the one you want prospects to choose. Include all the best features and add an attractive CTA to inspire action.

Optimize the site for mobile devices to boost engagement and retain visitors.


The main thing that leads to abandoned carts and fewer or no sales is the complexity of the checkout process. People are easily annoyed by processes that demand too much energy and take up too much of their time. So, simplify the checkout process to make it easy for prospects to go through the process and make the final purchase.

Avoid common mistakes such as forcing the user to create an account during the checkout process, having limited payment options, and including additional charges.

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Keep the checkout process simple and implement the best practices. For example, use visuals, indicate progress, add clear CTAs, use address validators, and display error notifications.

Create an 8-step or 5-step checkout process to keep things simple. Ask users to confirm their details before the final purchase to avoid complications later on. The goal is to make it easy for prospects to add or remove items from their cart without harming their overall experience.

Make sure your checkout process requires the most important information from prospects such as the client address, credit card type, credit card information, shipping method, and a confirmation message at the end. For example, after the user fills in all the required fills, write “Please confirm your details before submitting your information” at the end. This will help minimize errors and help the user avoid common mistakes.

Offer different payment methods to attract different types of people and cater to various individuals. Include all the popular payment methods to ensure prospects buy from you despite their location. For example, PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Stripe, and Visa Checkout.

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You can also add attractive offers during the checkout process to boost sales but make sure the promotional content doesn’t interfere with the process. For example, display a text or image ad which offers free shipping when the client makes an upgrade or orders more products.

Test to see if everything works as expected.

Ask users to subscribe to your newsletter or create an account after they buy your product. Give them a reason to sign up and engage with your content. Say “Please subscribe to our newsletter if you would like us to send related offers?” or “Join our mailing list to stay up-to-date with new and exciting offers.”


A/B testing or Split testing is a marketing method that allows you to test two different versions of your website, pop-up, landing page, email, and other marketing materials to see which one produces the desired results.

Use it on different aspects of your marketing strategies to determine which strategies work and which ones don’t.

Conduct A/B testing on your most important marketing methods to understand your audience, identify what they engage with the most, and convert them into buyers. Run regular tests on your web pages, social media posts, emails, ads, calls to action, pop-up forms, product descriptions, featured emails, and other marketing materials to increase conversion rates.

To succeed, determine what you want to test, state what you want to achieve from the test, decide how long the test is going to take, create two different versions, and test the versions concurrently.

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For example, let’s say you want to test your emails and determine which one has high conversions. The first thing you need to do is create two different versions of your emails, determine how long you want the test to last, and send two different versions to your subscribers. Send the first version to the first half and the second version to the other half. Track both your versions and determine which one converts better.

Choose the one with more engagement or conversions and use it in your email marketing campaigns.

If you want to A/B test your website, determine which aspects to run a test on. Consider the most important content pieces that are designed to capture attention, generate leads, and turn visitors into buyers. For example, your headlines, featured images, pop-ups, and your calls to action.

Spilt-test your headlines. Consider the length, tone, and positioning. Pay attention to the way your headlines are displayed on your site. Consider the surrounding text plus image. For example, one version of your sales copy can include a headline, description, and a related image. The other one can have a headline, description, and no image or a faint background image. See which version commands attention, boosts engagement, and leads to more conversions and go with it.

Test different versions when promoting your product to identify the type of content and layout that visitors prefer, position your product right, and increase sales.

A/B testing can last for up to 2 weeks depending on your traffic, goals, as well as what you are testing.
Focus on one thing at a time to ensure success. Don’t run multiple tests simultaneously because it’s ineffective and makes it difficult to keep track of results.

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