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The success of your business doesn’t just depend on the amount of traffic you attract to your website. It is determined by the number of people you turn into customers and the revenue you generate.

With every business vying for the customer’s attention, increasing your conversions rates can be a challenge. However, ClickFunnels can help you along the journey. It makes it easy for you to attract your audience’s attention, retain it, and get them to buy your product.

ClickFunnels is a sales funnel creator that makes it easy for you to automate your sales process, guide prospects throughout the buyer journey, and ensure a sale.

Use the following hacks to increase your conversion rates and reach your goals.


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The most effective way to boost your conversions is by defining and understanding your target audience. You have to define your audience, identify their interests, determine how your offer is going to benefit them, and promote offers they’re interested in.

Doing this ensures you market the right product to the right people. It is key to not only increasing your web traffic but improving your conversion rates as well. Don’t try to target everyone because it never works.

So, define your target audience first and then come up with a marketing and sales strategy that ensures conversions.

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Know who you are targeting, identify their interests, and cater to them. Identify a common problem or challenge that your target audience has and use your product or service to offer a solution. Doing this ensures you attract the right people, market your product to people who are already interested in what you’re offering, and increase your chances of success.

ClickFunnels helps you create sales funnels that guide your visitors throughout the buyer journey. It makes it easy for you to reach prospects at different levels, nurture them, and promote relevant offers.

Gain access to numerous pre-built templates that you can use to create your funnels. You can customize them whichever way you want and reach your goals.

The platform makes it easy for you to market and sell your products and get more conversions.


Study the competition to identify what’s working for them and what isn’t. Find out what your competitors are doing to attract the attention they need, get more conversions, and enhance sales. Implement some of their strategies to ensure success.

Identify your top 5 competitors and study their methods. Analyze their funnel landing pages to come up with an effective strategy to create yours.

Answer key questions when studying your competitors. What is the main thing that attracts people to their pages? Is it the headlines? Do they have exciting offers that are difficult to turn down? Do they use videos or text plus images? What sort of call to action do they add? Do they have a free offer or download? And Do they list the benefits of what they are offering?

Write down all the main things that set their pages apart and get them the attention they need. You will use the information to build your sales funnel and ensure conversions.

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You can also identify what they are doing wrong, improve it, and increase your chances of success.

Use SEMRush to analyze your competitors and get the information you need.

Studying the competition helps you understand what’s working, what needs to be improved, and is key to generating leads with your sales funnel.

So, don’t just dive into building your sales funnel without defining your audience or studying the competition because it will be difficult to come up with a strategy that works.

ClickFunnels integrates with many apps so, you can do all your work without exiting the platform. Some of the app integrations include Zapier, Twilio, SalesForce, and InfusionSoft.


Create your lead magnet to attract attention and boost conversions. Use the ClickFunnels pre-made templates to build an attractive landing page that gets you the attention you need.

The best thing about these templates is that they already have the right structure. All you have to do is add your information, promote your offer, and get more conversions.

Lead magnets help you guide prospects through the entire sales process and influence buying decisions. For example, you can use your lead magnet to get contact information so you can send a follow-up email to introduce your business to your email subscribers and later on, market your relevant offers.

Create a lead magnet that’s valuable and appealing to your target audience. Ensure you add some sort of value with your giveaway to get users to give you their email addresses.

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Your lead magnet should address an existing problem, offer a practical solution, or help your audience mitigate a certain challenge. It must make it easy for your page visitors to take the desired action when prompted for their contact information. So, make sure you offer something they are interested in. Something that will add value to their lives and help them achieve a certain goal.

With ClickFunnels, you don’t have to worry about structuring your page right because everything is already done for you. All you have to do is customize it. For example, write a catchy headline, add the right image, use your primary colors, and customize the CTA button.

Make sure visitors only download your offer after giving you their email addresses. You can send them a download link to their inbox and ask them to use it to get the giveaway.

Some of the best lead magnets that always attract attention are eBooks, templates, webinars, calculators, product samples, spreadsheets, mini-courses, podcasts, planners, PDFs, and infographics.


Create a sense of urgency and make users feel they will lose out if they don’t take the desired action. For example, you can add a countdown timer and set limits to your free offer.

Let’s say, for example, you have a new product you want to advertise, promote, and sell via your page, you can offer a 25 percent discount to your first 50 customers. Make the discount available for 30 days only and set a countdown timer to remind users to take advantage of it while it lasts.

You can also use numbers on your page to influence buying decisions. For example, add the number of people who have already bought the product at that particular price or say you have a limited number of products left. That is a great way to create a sense of urgency and speed up the decision-making process.

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Create interesting offers that capture attention and inspire action.

In addition to discounts, you can offer exciting giveaways or free membership for a year, if you have a membership site.

Take it a step further and provide social proof for credibility and higher conversions. You can add at least one client testimonial on top of your page or add a screenshot of customer ratings.

The goal is to ensure your sales funnel attracts your target audience and retains their attention. Prospects have to trust that your offer is going to add value to their lives.


The AIDA or Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action model is an effective marketing method that was developed in the late 19th century and has proven to work over the years.

It serves as a blueprint that helps you guide prospects throughout the buyer’s journey. You divide your audience into different groups, meet them at their points of need, and take them on an emotional journey until they make the final purchase.

At the awareness stage, you target new users or first-time page visitors. Instead of promoting your product right away, you focus on adding value to their lives and gaining their trust.

You can offer free, valuable content or a giveaway that will add some sort of value to customers’ lives.

The goal is to attract first-time visitors and convince them to enter your funnel.

The awareness stage is at the top of your funnel.

Next, you move on to the middle of the funnel which is the interest and desire stage.

Once users accept your giveaway or follow your content, they automatically move down to the middle of the funnel. You can now focus on forming meaningful relations and gaining their trust so that they’ll buy your product and become your customers.

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At this stage, you have to offer solutions to their problems, empathize with them, prove credibility, and introduce your offer.

At the bottom of your funnel is the action stage. This is where you focus on convincing prospects to buy from you. Your customers make their final buying decisions at this stage. So, you have to make it count.

Appeal to emotions and show the value that your product brings to customers’ lives. Mention what they will lose out on if they don’t buy your product. Create a sense of urgency and state everything that prospects will benefit from your offer.

Use pre-made ClickFunnels landing pages to advertise your offer to your audience. By this time, you should already have their email addresses. So, email them your offer and add a clear CTA to guide them to the sales page.

Getting your audience to follow your shared link and buy your offer won’t be difficult because you would’ve already formed meaningful relations and gained their trust.

Using the AIDA model when building your sales funnel helps you share relevant content with your audience and increases your chances of making a sale. It is key to not only retaining your audience’s attention but getting more conversions.


Building a sales funnel that converts, ensuring you reach prospects at their different points of need, and regularly sending out your sales and marketing content can be difficult if not time-consuming. Fortunately, ClickFunnels makes it easy for you to automate the sales process and reach your goals.

Their premade templates and funnels allow you to effortlessly and effectively build your sales funnels, create attractive landing pages, and automate the entire sales process. They make it easy for you to promote your offers the right way, get the attention you need, and ensure a sale.

ClickFunnels also gives you access to a variety of pre-installed funnels made for a specific product or service. The premade marketing and sales funnels have all the features necessary to increase your conversion rates. All you have to do is customize them and advertise your offers.

Experiment with different features to set yourself up for success.

In addition to sales funnels, other effective funnels that you can build are webinar funnels, auto webinar funnels, hangout funnels, and opt-in funnels.

Webinar funnels and auto webinar funnels make it easy for you to connect with your audience, attract their attention, and get them to exchange their contact details.

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Creating webinars, getting the attention you want, and converting attendees can be difficult if you are doing it on your own. However, ClickFunnels helps you to not only create your webinars but speeds up the entire process.

Use the funnel to create your webinar, ask people to register for it, and send automated confirmation messages.

Use follow-up funnel automation to trigger a series of emails to your subscribers and promote the product or service you mentioned to attendees during the webinar.

The emails can be sent during or after the webinar.

ClickFunnels also makes it easy for you to upsell or down-sell your customers. Easily build upsell pages, down sell pages, and order pages.

The platform makes it easy for you to upsell to existing customers or advertise a product similar to what they would’ve bought. You can add a pop-up that promotes a similar product right after the customer buys something.

The 1-click upsells feature makes it easy for you to attract attention, sell more products to one customer, and increase your revenue per every customer you get.

If the customer turns down the upsell, you can add another pop-up that displays a down-sell. For example, if the upsell was $40, you can advertise a similar offer at a lower price point, in this case, the down-sell can be priced at $25.

Down sells are more appealing to customers and always get you the attention you need. So, take advantage of them.


The best way to boost conversions and retain your customers is by following up with them when they visit your page, buy something from you, or take any other action on your website or sales page.

If you don’t follow up with users, you can lose them to the competition.

The main challenge with this is that tracking all the activity that happens on your marketing pages and analyzing user behavior can be challenging. However, with ClickFunnels, you can achieve all that and more.

Their follow-up funnels make it easy for you to reconnect and stay connected with your audience.

The funnels allow you to send relevant messages to your target audience via text, desktop notifications, emails, or social media platforms.

The best thing about ClickFunnels is that you don’t have to install anything to use it. Simply create your account, log in, and start building your funnels.

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Their software and templates are also updated frequently, so you never have to worry about security or using outdated funnels. The best part is that, as a member, you gain free access to the updated templates.

If you are already using autoresponders or shopping carts and want to continue using them, you can integrate them with ClickFunnels.

ClickFunnels integrates with many tools. Making it easy for you to continue using your favorite tools and enjoy building your funnels.

ClickFunnels also has a great support system that’s available to you 24/7. So, if you have any questions or run into problems using their platform, you can contact them any time and get the answers you need.

You don’t have to worry about losing your data when you want to cancel your account because the platform gives you access to CSV files of your contacts that you can download and keep with you before canceling your account.

The cancellation process is straightforward. They won’t even ask you to contact them and explain why you want to cancel your membership. You simply log in to your account, head over to ‘Settings’, and cancel your membership.


ClickFunnels makes it easy for you to create sales and marketing funnels that convert. Everything is already set up for you. All you have to do is select the funnel and templates you want, customize them to suit your needs, and promote your offer. If you are looking for the perfect tool to increase your conversion rates, then ClickFunnels is precisely what you need. It makes it easy for you to automate the sales and marketing process, stay connected to prospects, effectively market your product or service, and convince them to engage in business with you. The platform also integrates with major payment and email systems like Gmail.

They have different pricing plans. So, if you are not sure whether or not it’s the right solution for you, you can use their 14-day free trial.

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Here’s a recap of what we covered:


• Define your target audience
• Study the competition
• Create your lead magnet
• Create a sense of urgency
• Use the AIDA model
• Experiment with various features
• Leverage follow-up funnels

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