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Link Whisper is a popular WordPress plugin that has been designed to automate the process of internal linking on your website. The plugin can analyze your content, suggest relevant anchor texts, and insert internal links to your existing articles. It helps to improve your website’s user experience, search engine optimization (SEO), and ultimately, drive more traffic to your website.

In this review, we will take a closer look at the features and benefits of the Link Whisper plugin, and evaluate whether it’s worth the investment.


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Installation and Setup

Installing the Link Whisper plugin is a straightforward process. You can download the plugin from the official WordPress plugin repository or purchase it from the Link Whisper website. Once installed, you’ll need to activate the plugin and enter your license key. The plugin’s dashboard can be accessed from the WordPress admin menu, where you can adjust the settings and start using the plugin.

One of the most significant advantages of Link Whisper is that it’s effortless to set up and use. The plugin integrates seamlessly with the WordPress editor, allowing you to add internal links while creating new content. The plugin’s user interface is clean and straightforward, making it easy to navigate even for beginners.

Content Analysis and Suggestions

Link Whisper uses artificial intelligence to analyze your website’s content and suggest internal links based on keyword relevance. The plugin can scan your website and suggest relevant anchor text and the corresponding page to link to within seconds. This feature eliminates the need to manually search for relevant articles and copy-paste URLs into your content.

Furthermore, Link Whisper offers the ability to create groups of articles, making it easier to link between relevant articles within the same category or topic. This feature is particularly useful for websites with a large number of articles where manually managing internal links can become cumbersome.

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In addition, the plugin can help you uncover orphaned content on your website – articles that are not linked from any other page on your site. This feature ensures that all of your content is linked together, helping search engines to crawl your website more effectively.

Link Whisper also offers a feature called Link Boost, which automatically adds internal links to your most important pages. This feature helps to ensure that your most critical pages receive the maximum amount of link juice from your internal linking structure.

Compatibility and Performance

Link Whisper is compatible with all WordPress themes and plugins, making it easy to integrate with your existing website. The plugin has been designed to be lightweight, so it doesn’t slow down your website’s performance. In addition, the plugin is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest version of WordPress and fix any bugs or issues.

Pricing and Support

Link Whisper offers three pricing plans, depending on the number of websites you want to use the plugin on. The Single Site plan costs $77 per year, the Three Site plan costs $117 per year, and the Ten Site plan costs $167 per year. All plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you’re not satisfied with the plugin’s performance, you can get a full refund.

Link Whisper also offers excellent customer support, with a dedicated support team available to answer any questions or concerns. The plugin’s website includes a comprehensive knowledge base, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and a ticketing system that ensures that all support requests are responded to promptly.

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  • Easy to install and use
  • Saves time and effort in internal linking
  • Automatically suggests relevant internal links
  • Helps to improve user experience and SEO
  • Compatible with all WordPress themes and plugins
  • Regularly updated
  • Offers a 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Excellent customer support


  • The pricing may be a bit expensive for some users, especially those with multiple websites.
  • The plugin may not be suitable for websites with a small number of articles.


One of the essential features of the Link Whisper plugin is that it helps to improve your website’s user experience by making it easy for visitors to navigate and find related content. With internal linking, you can direct visitors to related articles, products, or services that they may find interesting. The plugin’s AI-powered suggestion system ensures that the links are relevant and useful to your readers, leading to increased engagement and reduced bounce rates.

Another significant benefit of Link Whisper is its impact on search engine optimization (SEO). Internal linking is an essential part of SEO as it helps search engines to understand the structure of your website and the relationship between different pages. By adding internal links to your content, you’re signaling to search engines that these pages are related and should be considered together. This can lead to improved rankings, increased organic traffic, and ultimately, more revenue for your business.

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Link Whisper’s content analysis feature is particularly useful for SEO. The plugin can analyze your website’s content and suggest internal links based on keyword relevance. This means that you can add internal links to your content using keywords that are important to your business or industry. By doing so, you’re telling search engines that your website is an authority on these topics, which can help to improve your rankings and attract more traffic.

Link Whisper’s Link Boost feature is another great tool for SEO. This feature automatically adds internal links to your most important pages, ensuring that they receive the maximum amount of link juice from your internal linking structure. This can help to boost your rankings and increase your visibility on search engines.

One potential drawback of Link Whisper is its pricing. While the plugin is certainly valuable, it may be a bit expensive for some users, particularly those with multiple websites. However, the plugin’s ability to save time and effort in internal linking, improve user experience and SEO, and offer excellent customer support makes it a worthwhile investment for most website owners.

In conclusion, Link Whisper is a powerful plugin that can help to improve the internal linking structure of your website, resulting in improved user experience, SEO, and ultimately, more traffic and revenue. The plugin’s easy installation and setup, content analysis, suggestion system, and Link Boost feature make it a valuable tool for any website owner looking to optimize their website’s internal linking structure. While the pricing may be a bit steep for some users, the plugin’s value and benefits make it a worthwhile investment for most website owners. If you’re looking for a reliable and efficient way to manage your internal linking, Link Whisper is definitely worth considering.

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